
The Dynamical Time-varying Characteristic of China's Provincial Production and Knowledge Spatial Spillover


在合理估算我国省际知识存量的基础上,本文基于rOMEr(1990)的知识生产函数,建立了SPATIAl Sur模型,以分析我国省际知识生产及其空间溢出的动态时变性。根据2000-2009年我国省际面板数据的实证研究结果表明:我国省际知识生产中投入要素的产出弹性虽然在逐年提高,但仍然处于较低水平;我国省际知识生产活动中存在显著的正向空间溢出效应,而且溢出效应在不断加强;知识生产存在规模报酬递减的现象。Based on a rational estimation of China's provincial knowledge stoke and the knowledge production function of Romer(1990),this paper sets up Spatial SUR model to analyze the dynamic time-varying characteristic of China's provincial knowledge production and its spatial spillover.By use of provincial panel data during 2000-2009,the empirical outcome shows that the output elasticity of production factors is still low while it grows up year by year.The result also reveals that there is distinctive positive spatial spillover in China's provincial knowledge production and the spillover is getting stronger.This paper finds that the knowledge production in China has diminishing returns to scale.中国博士后科学基金项目(2012M510670); 全国统计科研计划项目(2012LY015); 福建省教育厅社会科学研究一般项

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