
Evaluation of Brain Drain and Its Impact on Economy in China


智力流失是国际移民对母国经济影响研究中经常讨论的话题之一。作为一个发展中国家,中国同样也面临着智力流失问题。移民将使母国的财政性教育投入遭受损失,这是移民对母国的直接经济影响。移民还将引致产出下降,使得移民潜在的产出和税收贡献未能实现,这是移民引致的间接经济影响。对中国的经验估计表明,中国智力流失产生了较为严重的负面影响。中国应采取适当的政策以充分发挥海外移民对母国的正向效应。Brain drain is a hot topic in the field of the emigration impact on the home countries' economy.As a developing country,China also faces the brain drain issue.Emigrants took away the education investment which usually was paid by the government.This is the direct impact of emigrants on the home economy.The welfare model of the emigrants impact on home country implies that the potential output,which would be made by emigrants if they hadn't emigrated,couldn't come true in home country.The brain drain has led to serious negative impact in China.Appropriate policies should be implemented by Chinese government to develop the positive effect of the emigration on home country.厦门大学国际经济与贸易系教育发展基金的资助。项目名称:国际移民对母国的经济影响研究研究——中国的理论、实证及政策分析;项目号(2012002

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