
The Indonesian Banking Industry during the Global Financial Crisis—Comparing with the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis


全球金融风暴自2008年第四季度起波及印尼,总体而言,印尼银行业在本次金融危机中表现稳健,资本充足率(CAr)和不良资产率(nPl)等指标甚至处于历史最佳水平。究其原因:首先,本次金融危机的内在机理有其特殊性;其次,经过亚洲金融危机的洗礼,印尼在宏观经济、银行业实力和政府应变能力等方面均有显著提高。当前,印尼银行业存在的主要问题和风险有:经营水平不高,银行间市场资金严重不均,外资流入过多和实体经济制约等。The global financial crisis has influenced Indonesia since the winter of 2008.Overall,Indonesian banking industry keeps steady during this serious crisis.The first reason is the mechanism of this crisis is special.The second reason is Indonesian government has learned a lesson from the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis,and performances better this time.Currently,the main problems of Indonesian banking industry are: low efficiency of management,lack of capital balance in the inter-bank market,superfluousness of foreign funds and restriction of the real economy

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