A Study on the Influence Factors of Carbon Emissions in China′s Logistics Industry


低碳物流是对应低碳经济而出现的一个概念,发展低碳经济需要以发展低碳物流作为前提和基础。当前,影响中国物流产业碳排放量的主要因素为能源结构、能源效率和经济增长。经济增长是促成物流产业碳排放增长的最重要因素,经济增长拉动了物流需求,而物流产业在需求增加、规模扩大的同时,带来了大量的能源消耗,导致碳排放量的增加。经济增长、物流业发展和碳排放之间存在密切的内在联系,随着我国经济的进一步发展,碳排放总量持续上升的态势将在短期内难以改变,但是可以通过不断降低单位gdP碳排放量的方式,逐步向低碳经济过渡。因此,发展低碳物流应该从提高能源效率、改善能源结构等方面着手,积极发展现代物流。Low-carbon logistics is a new concept appeared after low-carbon economy,and the development of low-carbon economy needs to take development of low-carbon logistics as a precondition.At present,the main influence factors of carbon emission in China′s logistics industry are energy structure,energy efficiency and economic growth.Economic growth is the most important factor that contributes to the growth of carbon emissions in logistics industry.Economic growth will stimulate demand for logistics,and bring a lot of growth of energy consumption,which result in the increase of carbon emissions.There is a close relationship among economic growth,logistics development and carbon emissions.It will be difficult to change the trend of increasing of carbon emissions in a short term under the fast growth of economy.However,we can reduce carbon emissions in per unit of GDP,and gradually achieve to a low carbon economy.Therefore,we must optimize energy structure,improve energy efficiency and develop modern logistics actively to achieve a low-carbon development in China′s logistics industry

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