
Taiwan's Ami's "Tree-Woven Cloth" Technology and Significance of Cultural History


无纺树皮文化起源、发展的中心在华南、东南亚至太平洋群岛,是百越先民和南岛语族共同的文化遗产。亚太土著民族志丰富的土著文化遗存,不仅为认识人类服饰全史提供了新的视角,而且为认识华南、东南亚、太平洋土著民族史及文化史,提供了不可多得的实证资料。亚太土著地带的树皮布文化圈,突显了“百越—南岛“古今文化的源流及其共同体性质。origins and development center of non-woven bark culture in South China and Southeast Asia to the Pacific Islands, is a common cultural heritage of Baiyue ancestors and Austronesian.Asia and the Pacific indigenous ethnography remains a rich indigenous culture, not only for provides a new perspective to understanding the whole history of human clothing, but also for understanding history and cultural history of the South China, Southeast Asia, the Pacific indigenous peoples, providing a rare empirical data.Asia and the Pacific indigenous zone of the tree Pibu cultural circles, highlighting the the origins of ancient and modern culture and the nature of "Bai Yue-Austronesian" community.教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目“台湾原住民研究”(2006JJDGAT002)资

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