
From Transition to the Basic Strategy:Retrospect and Prospect of China's Education Policy for Studying Abroad


回顾了过去30年我国留学政策的基本演变,指出当前我国留学政策主要不足是:留学政策建设落后于留学教育实践的需求,留学政策的执行有待改进,一些具体措施不够完善。从确立留学政策新理念、加快制订《留学教育法》、改进留学政策理论研究等方面提出相关建议。This paper reviews the basic evolution of China's education policy for studying abroad since reform and opening up, pointing out the main deficiencies in the current construction of education policy for studying abroad in our country are that the construction of education policy falls behind the needs for education practice.In addition, the implementation of education policy needs to be improved and a number of specific measures are not perfect.This paper expounds several recommendations on how to strengthen the building of education policy for studying abroad in respect of establishing new studying Philosophy and drafting ″Education Law For Studying Abroad″ and so on.2008年福建省社会科学规划项目(2008C009

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