American Higher Education Act and the Change of Federal Responsibility


美国颁布《高等教育法》(HEA)40多年来,美国联邦政府在高等教育领域中的责任也出现了三次较为明显的转变。第一次转变以《高等教育法》的签署为标志,从此前的“局外人“转向“资源提供者“;第二次转变以1992年和1998年的重新授权为标志,由“资源提供者“转向“内部事务监督者“;第三次转变以2008年的重新授权为标志,由“内部事务监督者“转向“问责要求者“。The U.S.federal responsibitity in higher education has changed three times over 40 years since the promulgation of the Higher Education Act(HEA).Firstly,the federal responsibility changed from outsider to resource provider with the issue of HEA as a symbol.Secondly,with the reauthorizations of HEA in 1992 and 1998,the responsibility changed from resource provider to internal affairs supervisor.Then it changed for the third time from internal affairs supervisor to accountability demander with the reauthorization of HEA in 2008

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