
Applying Two -peak Ratio Discriminant Analysis on Autofluorescence Spectra to Identify Adenocarcinoma Colonic Tissues


目的:分别测量了人体正常和腺癌结肠组织在300 nM、340 nM、400 nM和460 nM波长激发下的自体荧光光谱,通过对测量的自体荧光光谱分析比较,探究临床上可以用于诊断早期结肠腺癌的最佳激发波长。方法:1人体离体结肠组织样品由福建省立医院肿瘤外科提供,离体样品均在2小时内完成光谱测量。2实验采用flS920(EdInburgHInSTruMEnTS,uk)稳态荧光光谱系统对结肠组织进行自体荧光光谱测量。3实验数据利用OrIgIn 7.5系统软件进行平滑归一化,采用双峰比值法计算不同激发波长下自体荧光发射峰的荧光积分强度。结果:采用双峰比值法计算得到人体结肠组织在340 nM波长激发下(380±20)nM和(485±20)nM发射峰的荧光积分强度比值存在显著差异(P<0.001),识别的灵敏度和特异性分别为80%和73.3%。结论:结果表明340 nM可作为诊断结肠腺癌的最佳激发波长。文章的初步结论可为光诱导人体结肠组织自体荧光诊断早期结肠癌提供了一定的参考价值。Objective: To investigate the differences between normal and adenocarcinoma colonic tissues autofluorescence spectra excitated by 300 nm、340 nm、400 nm and 460 nm,respectively.The optimal diagnosis excitation wavelength used in early adenocarcinoma colonic tissues was obtained through the measurement of autofluorescence spectra.methods: ①All samples of human colonic tissues in vitro were measured in two hours,which provided by the department of surgical oncology of Fujian provincial hospital.②A FLS920 fluorescence detection system was used to collect the emission spectra excitated by 300nm 、340nm 、400 nmand 460 nm,respectively.③After smoothed and normalized by Origin 7.5 system software,the algorithms of "two-peak ratio" were employed to distinguish normal and adenocarcinoma colonic tissues.Results: The ratio of two peaks at(380±20) and(485±20) nm under the 340 nm excitation excited sufficient difference(P<0.001),which the sensitivity was 80% and specificity was 73.3%.Conclusions: The results showed that 340 nm excitation was the optimum diagnostic wavelength.In conclusion,our results can provide a potential value in early diagnosis of human colonic tissues.三明学院自然科学基金项目(编号B201009/Q

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