Analysis of Factors in Contemporary Taiwan Youth's Political Indifference Phenomenon and the Influence


近年来,台湾青年在政治态度上呈现出对政治问题冷漠的倾向;在政治行为上,表现为对政治生活的疏离与逃避。台湾青年之所以表现出明显的政治冷漠倾向,有着深层次原因,主要包括台湾当局政治统治合法性相对不足,台湾青年政治效能感及政治信任感低下,个体生存压力影响及群体利益诉求的边缘化,“非权威化“的价值取向及主体意识的凸显,以及台湾政党组织力量衰落及主要政党竞选政纲趋同化等。只要这些问题得不到有效解决,台湾青年族群的政治冷漠倾向还将持续存在。In recent years,the political attitude of Taiwan youth generation shows a tendency to political apathy.The political behavior is characterized by alienation from political engagement and escape.There are many reasons for Taiwan youths' political indifference,including Taiwan authorities' lacking of political legitimacy,Taiwan youths' low political efficacy and political trust,pressure of life and marginalization of interest demand,the non-authoritative consciousness and highlight of individual sense and decline of Taiwan political parties' organization and their convergences of major election platform.As long as these problems are not resolved,Taiwan youth group's political indifference phenomenon will still exist

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