Reality of Higher Education Development and Policy Responses in China


近30多年来,中国高等教育与国际趋势相向而行,取得了举世瞩目的成就,与此同时,也面临一些新的情况和挑战,主要表现在人口变化、经济增长和高等教育大众化等对高等教育发展产生直接而重要的影响。为了应对相关挑战,国家采取了一些重要的政策,包括改革高考制度、发展高等教育的内涵和特色、完善现代大学制度、促进国际化、运用市场机制以及建立质量保障体系等。这些政策正在实施中,其中的矛盾与冲突,包括规模与质量、人文与功利、计划与市场、集权与放权、本土化与国际化等,对当前和今后的高等教育发展有着深刻的影响,应当予以重视。Higher education in China has been continuously growing,changing and developing.With more than 30years' development,Chinese higher education has made remarkable achievements.Meanwhile it has been facing some new situations-demographic changes,economic development,and higher education massification,which all have direct influence on its development.Some policy decisions have been made in response,including reforming the college entrance examination system,developing the qualities and characteristics of higher education,improving the modern university system,promoting marketization and internationalization,and strengthening the quality guarantee system,which are the current priorities of the Government.There are a number of conflicts involved in the development as well as the policy-making process of higher education policies,such as scale and quality,humanity and utility,planning and marketing,centralization and decentralization,localization and internationalization,which have already brought about and will continue to have important influence on the development of Chinese higher education

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