
Discussion about architectural originality


建筑是具有独特表现形式的艺术品,除了要满足实用功能之外,还需要具有一定的审美要求。如何做出让人欣赏的建筑,就需要有自己的再创造,也就是所谓的独创。当今建筑行业的发展快速,建筑的独创性受很多条件的制约,其发展空间有限。何为独创性,如何在有限的空间进行创新,如何解决建筑所谓的创新,建筑设计者如何创新才能做到适量,将是本文论述重点。The architecture is an unique form of expressive art,which not only need to meet practical function,but also need to satisfy some certain aesthetic requirements.The appreciation of the architecture based on its own re-creation,which is the so-called original.In today's rapid development of the construction industry,building of originality subject to many conditions,its development space is limited.What is the original,how to innovate in limited space,how to solve the innovation problem of building,how the building designers to innovate appropriately,will be the focus in this paper

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