
Treatment and Reuse of the Wastewater of Bean Products with the Phytosynthetic Bacteria and Spirulina maxima


应用光合细菌将黄泔水中的有机物降解转化为无机氮磷后养殖螺旋藻.结果表明,在实验条件下光合细菌对黄泔水COdCr的去除率可达70%,处理后的黄泔水用甲壳质絮凝澄清后加入螺旋藻并曝气进行培养,藻生长周期为22d、生长速率为20~30Mg/l·d.藻体蛋白质含量平均为52.6g/100g(干重),游离氨基酸平均含量为2.41g/100g(干重)A try on the treatment and reuse of the waste water of bean products with the phytosynthetic bacteria(PSB) and S.maxima(SM)was introduced.First the waste water of bean products was treated with PSB to decompositing organic matter,and then chitin was added for precipitating PSB,the last SM was added into the treated waste water for removing organic matter further and reusing nitrogen and phosphorous.The results of an dynamic modled experiment showed that PSB have a high removal efficiency for COD(70%) on the waste water of bean products,and SM cultured in the treated waste waster grow well,the rate of growing is 2030mg dryweight/(Ld),and the content of protein and free amino acid in SM are 52.6g/100g dryweight and 2.41g/100g dryweight respectively

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