Effects of different concentrations of benzo (a) pyrene on antioxidant enzymes in gastropod abalone,Haliotis diversicolor


为阐释不同浓度苯并(A)芘[b(A)P]对杂色鲍(HAlIOTIS dIVErSICOlOr)的毒性效应,以0.02、0.04和0.08 Mg/dM33个质量浓度的b(A)P对杂色鲍进行水体暴露胁迫,7d后检测肌肉、外套膜、鳃、性腺、肾和肝胰腺的超氧化物歧化酶(SOd)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)、谷胱甘肽S-转移酶(gST)和谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(gPX)活性及还原型谷胱甘肽(gSH)含量.结果显示:0.02 Mg/dM3的b(A)P暴露对杂色鲍抗氧化系统的影响不明显,而0.04、0.08 Mg/dM3的b(A)P则显著抑制了SOd、CAT和gPX酶活性以及gSH含量,同时对gST酶活性具有显著的诱导作用;实验还发现,不同组织抗氧化酶活性对b(A)P胁迫的敏感性响应存在较大差异,其中鳃、肾脏和肝胰腺的敏感性响应明显高于肌肉和外套膜.上述结果表明,苯并(A)芘暴露对杂色鲍抗氧化酶活性的影响具有明显的剂量-效应关系及组织差异性,杂色鲍的鳃、肾脏或者肝胰腺的抗氧化酶响应多环芳香烃胁迫的更敏感,可作为b(A)P污染的生物标志物.To reveal the ecotoxicological effects of benzo(a) pyrene[B(a) P]on gastropod abalone,Haliotis diversicolor,the effects of different concentrations of B(a) P(0.02,0.04 and 0.08 mg/dm3) were studied on antioxidant defense system of H.diversicolor.The results showed that the antioxidant enzymes activities showed little difference for the animals exposed to 0.02 mg/dm3B(a) P compared with the control.In 0.04 mg/dm3 and 0.08 mg/dm3 groups,the activities of SOD,CAT,GPx and the contents of GSH were significant inhibited by B(a) P exposure,while the GST activities were significantly induced.The activities of antioxidant enzymes were also significantly different among the tissues,suggesting the exist of remarkable different physiological functions and responses to B(a) P content.In summary,the antioxidant enzymes activities of exposure to B(a) P exhibit an effects of concentration-dependent and are tissue specified in H.diversicolor and the antioxidant enzymes system of the gills,kidney and hepatopancreas are more sensitive.Thus it can be used as pollution biomarkers for PAHs stress.教育部长江学者和创新团队发展计划资助项目(IRT0941

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