
Implementation of Laser Diode Characteristics Pulsed Testing by Time-resolved Technique


提出了一种基于时间分辨的脉冲式半导体激光器特性测试新方法,并研制了相应的测试系统。该方法根据脉冲驱动源的时序,同步产生采样窗口信号,然后根据采样窗采集半导体激光器的注入电流、端电压和输出光功率等数据,进而获得表征器件特性的曲线和参数。该方法解决了半导体激光器特性测试中的2个关键问题:一是现有的连续测试方法造成的器件温升,影响测试准确性和安全性;二是解决了脉冲驱动源与测试的同步问题。文中给出了最小脉冲宽度达100 nS的窄脉冲驱动的l-I-V测试曲线和测试参数。A new method to test pulsed laser diode characteristics based on time-resolved technique is presented,and the testing system is developed.Sampling window is made according to the timing of the pulsed current source.Using a synchronized sampling scheme,the injected current,the forward voltage and the optical output power are gathered,and then the curves and parameters are obtained.The rising of laser diode chip temperature under test is reduced,and the synchronization for pulsed current source and testing is resolved by this method.Based on the setup,L-I-V curves and related parameters of a laser diode were tested with pulsed injection of 100ns.国家“十一五”计量科研计划项目资助(J052009B002

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