The Value,Approach and Objectives of Research on Folk Customs of the Imperial Examination:A Bottom-up Perspective


科举民俗作为科举学研究的重要方向,是从“自下而上“的视角,探究科举考试制度、活动、习俗及社会影响,以加深对科举考试文化特质与价值的认识。科举民俗研究具有学科交叉的特点,需要进行跨学科研究。通过借鉴人类学、社会学、民俗学、教育学、语言学等学科理论与研究方法,科举民俗研究可拓展学术视野,发掘科举民间史料,深化和丰富科举学研究的内涵。As an important area in the studies of the imperial examination,research on folk customs of the Imperial Examination,featuring a bottom-up perspective,deals with the system of the imperial examination,social customs and influences in order to have a better understanding of the cultural characteristics and the value of the Imperial Examination.Its interdisciplinary nature and bottom-up approach entail that is has to draw on historical anthropology,sociology,folklore,education science,and linguistics.The study on folk customs of the Imperial Examination may broaden the academic vision,better explore folk historical materials and enriching research results.教育部2013年度人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目“中国科举通史”(项目编号:13JJD880010)的阶段性研究成

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