
Changes of Learning Interest: Urgent Reform of Postraduate Education—from the perspective of learners’interests


目前研究生教育正在面临着学习者兴趣变化的巨大挑战。研究生学习兴趣变化主要体现从重视理论知识学习转向注重应用实践能力的提高上。这些变化既是社会发展需要的反映,同时也是就业压力的反映。研究生教育必须根据学习者学习兴趣的变化而进行适时的调整,把培养重心转向实践应用能力提高上。这一调整是提高研究生教育质量的根本对策。Currently postgraduate education is facing a great challenge from the changes of learners’ interests which mainly reflects on their emphasis from theoretical knowledge to practical abilities.This is the reflex of social needs and employment pressure.Postgraduate education must adjust itself to learners’ interests, which means to focus on the practical abilities.This adjustment is the fundamental countermeasures to improve the quality of postgraduate education.“研究生培养机制改革研究”课题成果之一;得到教育部新世纪人才计划支持(NECT-09-0679

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