Study on Three - dimensional Fluorescence Spectra of Pyrene in Various Environments


本文首次运用三维荧光光谱研究芘在不同环境介质中的荧光特性,揭示芘的f3/f_4反映的是环境有序性介质的形成,而不是所处环境极性大小的一个量度,f_1/f_3才是其所处环境极性大小的一个量度,结果显示芘的三维荧光光谱可以更好地对环境性质进行研究,将进一步扩大芘的应用范围.The Fluorescent properties of pyrene monomer in various environments, such as β - CD, CTAB, SDS and glycerl solutions, have First been studied by three - dimensional Fluoresence spectrometry.The results show that the F3/F4 ratio, namely the relative intensity of peak 3 ( λex/λem= 340/378nm)to peak 4(λex/λem = 340/396nm), can be used to estimate the Formation of organized medium,but not the polarity of environment.Only F1/F3 ratio, the relative intensity ofpeak 1(λex/λem = 275/378nm)to peak 3,can be used as the probe For the polarity of environment.The three - dimensional Fluorescence spectra of pyrene have superiority in studying the properties of environment.国家自然科学基金资助课

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