Dynamics of a Magnetic Nanowire in Twisted Nematic Liquid Crystal


液晶中的纳米颗粒悬浮体系由于其独特的性质引起了极大的关注.采用保角变换法和等效电容法,对悬浮于扭曲型向列相液晶盒中的磁性纳米金属丝在外加恒定磁场下的动态响应行为进行了研究,并将理论计算结果与实验结果作比较.通过比较发现,理论计算结果与实验结果符合得很好.Systems of nanoparticles suspended in liquid crystal have raised great interest because of their unique property and the potential as novel materials.The dynamic behaviors of a nickel nanowire suspended in a twisted nematic liquid crystal cell under constant magnetic field are analyzed,using the methods of equivalent capacitance and conformal mapping.A comparison with experiments shows that our calculation agrees well with the experimental results.国家自然科学基金项目(50873083;10974162

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