
Road Dust Loading and Chemical Composition at Major Cities in Fujian Province


采集并分析了福建省重点城市厦门、漳州、泉州和莆田城区具有代表性的57个地面扬尘和16个土壤样品的26种无机元素、8种水溶性离子和碳成分等组成.不同城市粒径≤100μM的路面尘负荷平均值在6.99 g.M-2与10.11 g.M-2之间,而粒径≤2.5μM的路面尘(PM2.5)负荷平均值在4.0 Mg.M-2和12.5 Mg.M-2之间.不同城市土壤尘和路面尘PM2.5中浓度最高的元素都是SI、CA、Al、fE和k,路面尘中CA元素明显富集,而主要人为来源的重金属元素如Cu、Pb、zn、Cr在路面尘PM2.5中的浓度显著高于土壤尘.漳州城区路面尘PM2.5中二次离子nH4+、nO3-和SO24-的含量明显高于其它地区,厦门、漳州和泉州城区路面尘PM2.5中Mg2+和CA2+之间都存在显著的正相关关系.四城市路面尘中有机碳(OC)的含量均高于济南、石家庄以及北京地面扬尘OC的含量,元素碳(EC)的含量均低于北京地区路面扬尘EC的含量.泉州和莆田两地OC和EC的相关性较好,说明路面尘中OC和EC有相同或相似的来源.质量平衡结果显示泉州和莆田路面尘PM2.5中含量最高的是土壤尘,其次为有机物.按化学组成特征对路面尘PM2.5进行聚类解析,得到受大气沉降影响、受土壤尘影响、受大气沉降和土壤尘共同作用以及受土壤尘和建筑尘共同作用4类样品.A total of 57 road dust and 16 urban soil samples were collected from four cities,Xiamen,Zhangzhou,Quanzhou and Putian in Fujian Province,China.Twenty-six elements,eight water soluble ions,organic carbon and elemental carbon in the fraction of particulate diameter less than 2.5 μm(PM2.5) derived through a suspension chamber were analyzed.The average loading of road dust with diameter less than 100 μm in the four cities ranged from 6.99 g·m-2 to 10.11 g·m-2,while the loading of PM2.5 ranged from 4.0 mg·m-2 to 12.5 mg·m-2.Both the soil and road dust samples were characterized with much higher concentrations of Si,Ca,Al,Fe and K.But for the anthropogenic elements such as Cu,Pb,Zn,Cr and Ti,much lower levels were found in the soil PM2.5 than those in the road dust PM2.5.Significantly higher levels of NH+4,NO-3 and SO2-4 were found in the road dust PM2.5 from Zhangzhou in comparison with those from other cities in this study.The calcium ion(Ca2+) content was significantly positively correlated with the Mg2+ content in the road dust PM2.5 from Xiamen,Zhangzhou and Quanzhou.The levels of organic carbon(OC) in the road dust PM2.5 in these four cities were higher than those reported in Ji'nan,Shijiazhuang and Beijing while the levels of elemental carbon(EC) were all lower than those in the urban road dust from Beijing,Significant positive correlation between EC and OC was found in samples from Quanzhou and Putian,suggesting the same and/or similar sources.The result of mass balance indicated that higher percentage compositions were soil and OM in both Quanzhou and Putian.Based on the cluster analysis,the 57 road dust samples were divided into four types: influenced by atmospheric deposition,influenced by soil dust,influenced by atmospheric deposition and soil dust,and influenced by soil and construction dust.国家自然科学基金项目(40971257;41171365); 环境保护公益性行业科研专项(201009004); 福建省自然科学基金计划项目(2009J05106

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