Effect of EDTA on Fish's EOG and Exploration of Used Dosage among Fishery Breed Aquatics


观测5种浓度的EdTA对EOg的影响,研究EdTA对Cu--(2+)、zn--(2+)、Hg--(2+)、Cd--(2+)、Pb--(2+)、及Cu--(2+)+zn--(2+)中毒鱼的解毒效应,并探讨使用剂量、依据及其可能原理。结果表明:当EdTA与各种金属离子比例为1:1时,解毒效果最佳。The effects of five concentrations of EDTA on the fish's (Oreochromis sp.) EOG are observed and detoxification of EDTA on heavy metal (Cu2+, Zn2+, Hg2+, Cd2+, Pb2+, Cu2++Zn2+) poisoned fish are studied.The paper probe into used dosage, gist and probable mechanism.The results indicated that the detoxification of the ratio is best effect when the ratio is 1:1 beteew EDTA and heavy metal ions.国家自然科学基金项目(批准号:39770102);福建省自然科学基金项目(C96005号

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