Robust Controller Design of New Style Satellite′s Attitude Movement


研究H∞/μ综合方法在新型卫星姿态运动的鲁棒控制器设计中的应用.讨论新型卫星姿态运动中卫星姿态控制以及挠性体振动抑制和液体晃动抑制等问题,同时阐述一个确定低阶控制器阶数的判据.The robust controller design of liquid satellite′s attitude movement was studied by using H ∞/μ method.Attitude control, as well as the suppression of the flexible structure′s vibration and the liquid sloshing, was discussed.A test for deciding the order of reduced order controller was formulated.中国空间技术研究院预研资

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