Research progress on techniques for artificial propagation of corals


在气候变化、环境污染以及人工采集等因素致使珊瑚野生资源不断衰退的背景下,开展珊瑚的人工繁育是修复珊瑚生态系统、保护生物多样性、减少野生珊瑚采集的主要出路之一.本文对国内外珊瑚人工繁育技术和研究进展进行综述,探讨了珊瑚有性和无性繁殖技术以及原地和异地繁育技术的特点与不足;重点从光照、水流、营养盐、微量元素、非自养珊瑚品种的饵料,以及适宜的微生物环境等方面总结了循环海水系统繁育珊瑚的研究进展,并对我国珊瑚研究现状进行了总结.光照是珊瑚水族箱养殖或异地繁殖的关键因素之一,不同种类的珊瑚对光照强度和色温有不同的需求,珊瑚照明创新技术的发展及其能耗对于珊瑚异地繁育非常重要.此外,珊瑚对铵氮、硝氮、亚硝氮及磷酸盐等营养盐的变化非常敏感,各类机械、化学和生物的技术被应用于降低培养体系中营养盐的含量.尽管珊瑚循环海水养殖系统在照明、水流和营养盐控制方面已经有了长足的进步,珊瑚人工繁育仍然任重道远.将来的突破方向在于有性繁殖、性状改造与疾病防治技术等方面.The natural coral reef resources degrade rapidly because of climate change,environmental pollution and exploitation of aquarium species.Artificial propagation is an effective way to facilitate the reduction of wild harvesting,reef restoration,preservation of biodiversity.This paper reviewed the technique and research progresses focused on coral artificial propagation.We compared the advantages and disadvantages of sexual reproduction and asexual reproduction as well as in situ and ex situ propagation.Moreover,we summarized the important roles of irradiation,flow rate,nutrients,feed and other factors in coral propagation within recirculating aquaculture system( RAS).Irradiation is the key to successful ex situ coral culture and different species show different needs of radiation intensity and light spectrum.Therefore,artificial lighting in RAS,as well as power and maintenance costs,are very important for ex situ coral aquaculture.In addition,corals are very sensitive to NH4+,NO3-,NO2-as well as phosphate in RAS,and many physical,chemical and biological methods are acquired to maintain low nutrients condition.Although RAS has progressed a lot in terms of irradiation,flow rate and nutrient control,future studies also should focus on sexual reproduction,genetic modification and disease control.国家海洋局公益性行业科研专项(201305027)资

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