Spectra and Thermodynamic Properties of Aduct Between Metallophthalocyanine and Fullerene


利用紫外可见光谱、荧光光谱研究锌酞菁(znPC)-球烯(C60)复合物在不同溶剂体系中的光谱性质.uV-VIS光谱在710nM附近出现新的特征吸收峰,峰位置与理论计算基本符合,这表明znPC和C60形成了分子间电荷转移复合物(CTC).荧光光谱中激发峰的位移和荧光猝灭低谷现象进一步证实形成了znPC-C60的CTC.通过JOb′S光度滴定等方法表明znPC与C60以1∶1和2∶1的复合比生成CTC.对znPC-C60在不同温度下的生成平衡常数kC及热力学性质进行了研究.The Charge transFer complexes(CTC) of Fullerene(C 60 ) and metallophthalocyanines(MPc) are investigated by using UV Vis and Fluorescence spectroscopies in diFFerent solvents,The results of experiments prove Formation of the CTC .The UV Vis spectra appears a new absorption peak of the CTC at 710 nm,which is consistent with theoretical data.The Fluorescence quenching and the shiFt of excited peak in Fluorescence spectra indicate the presence of two complexes.The Formation constants at diFFerent temperature and the thermodynamic properties are studied experimentally.国家自然科学基金;福建自然科学基

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