Robot Grinding Technology Making Custom Uncemented Femoral Hip Prosthesis


非骨水泥股骨柄假体在股骨髓腔中的低填充率是股骨柄假体无菌松动的主要因素,为了提高股骨柄假体与股骨髓腔的填充率,利用机器人磨削系统加工与猪腿骨匹配的股骨柄假体.其方法是利用CT数据重建股骨髓腔三维模型,依据该三维模型设计股骨柄假体.将设计的股骨柄假体模型导入CAd/CAM/rObOTIC集成系统,生成磨削股骨柄假体的加工轨迹.加工轨迹后处理后导入机器人仿真软件中运行,消除刀具与CAd模型的干涉并生成机器人加工轨迹;将机器人加工轨迹下载到控制器中,磨削加工股骨柄假体.将股骨柄假体与猪腿骨髓腔匹配,分析股骨柄假体在髓腔中的填充率,验证机器人磨削技术和CAd/CAM/rObOTIC集成方法加工定制式股骨柄假体的可行性.实验结果表明,定制式股骨柄假体在猪腿骨髓腔中有好的填充率.The low filling rate of the uncemented femoral hip prosthesis to the femoral cavity is a main reason of unsuccessful total hip replacements.For purposes of improving the filling rate of the prosthesis in femoral cavity,in this paper,a robotic system is used to mill the prosthesis.The CAD model of prosthesis is designed according to reconstructed model of the CT data of pig femur.when the CAD model of prosthesis is imported to CAD/CAM/Robotics software,the milling path of robotic is produced.During the course of runing the milling path at CAD/CAM/Robotics software,the conflict of the milling machine and CAD model will be eliminated.After the milling path is imported into the robotic controller,the custom prosthesis can be fabricated.When the prosthesis that is fabricated by the robotic milling system is inserted into the femoral cavity,the filling rate of the prosthesis in femoral cavity can be analysed.The experiment results show that nice result of the custom prosthesis in femoral cavity can be obtained,the robotic milling system and CAD/CAM/Robotic integration method can be used to mill custom prosthesis

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