Effect of nutrient shortage and recovery on growth and biochemical composition of Thalassiosira weissflogii


通过室内纯培养,研究了营养盐亏缺以及解除亏缺对威氏海链藻(THAlASSIOSIrA WEISSflOgII)的细胞形态、细胞增殖、胞内蛋白质、可溶性糖含量变化的影响,考察了藻细胞生长和生化组成的恢复情况。结果表明,在多种营养盐亏缺(n亏缺、P亏缺、SI亏缺、n+P亏缺、贫营养)的条件下,威氏海链藻生长受到不同程度的抑制,全部受试细胞形态均出现不同程度变异,细胞增殖显著低于正常营养供给。恢复营养,细胞形态的损伤能得以有效恢复,细胞增殖能力得以一定程度的有限恢复,其中氮、磷亏缺的恢复效应最为明显。营养盐亏缺,各处理组细胞生化组成显著低于正常培养状态。恢复营养,氮、磷亏缺组藻细胞生化组成仍显著低于正常营养供给,生化组成的恢复效应不明显,生理活性无法恢复,而硅盐亏缺的藻细胞生长和生化组成均能恢复到正常水平。实验证明,微藻细胞的生化组成比形态变化与增殖更能反映营养盐亏缺,可作为微藻受氮、磷营养盐限制的指标。Marine microalgae Thalassiosira weissflogii was firstly cultured under the condition of nutrient shortage and recovered later to demonstrate the morphology and biochemical composition changes of cells.The influence of different levels of two phases in macro-nutrients on growth capability, including the contents of carbohydrate, protein, cell density and cell shape was investigated to assess physiological activity and survival ability of T.weissflogii.The results indicated that when it was nutrient shortage, the cells of T.weissflogii in each treatment ( including nitrate-shortage, phosphat-shortage, silicate-shortage, nitrate plus phosphate shortage, poor-suplly ) experienced with morphological changes and remarkably decrease in density.In nutrient recovery phases, T.weissflogii was effectively recovered in cell shape.Density increased to some degree in contrast to control of normal nutrients supply, which was markedly showed in nitrate-shortage, phosphat-shortage.Recovery of cell growth and reproduction of T.weissflogii was able.Shortage of nutrients might induce and modify the process of cell growth and reproduction of T.weissflogii rather than harmless.In nutrient shortage phases, cellular carbohydrate and protein contents of each treatment markedly decresed.The decresing trend was the same in nutrient recovery.Recovery of physiological activity of T.weissflogii was unable except cells of silicate-shortage treatment.Cellular biochemical characteristic observantly indicated nutrients variation than morphology.Cellular biochemical characteristic might indicate environmental conditions of marine microalgae.中国近海海洋综合调查与评价(908-01-ST06;FJ908-01-01-HS

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