
Mechanisms and Prevention of Skin Photoaging


皮肤老化是一个复杂、多因素所致的过程,其结果是皮肤弹性和功能发生改变。引起皮肤老化的原因包括内源性(如年龄等)和外源性(如紫外线等)因素,后者所致的皮肤老化即皮肤光老化。本文以国外文献为基础,着重介绍皮肤光老化的发生机制,描述与之相关的主要信号通路,总结皮肤光老化的预防措施,以指导进一步的研究。Skin aging is a very complicated process with many factors involved, which will lead to changes in skin elasticity and functions.Skin aging can be triggered by both intrinsic(e.g., age) and extrinsic(e.g., ultraviolet light) factors.The latter is also called skin photoaging.This paper reviewed the mechanisms of photoaging and related prevention approaches based on international literature.It also described the major signaling pathways involved in the process of photoaging so as to inform further studies.国家自然科学基金青年项目(编号:81101562); 广东省科技计划项目(编号:2012B060300005); 广东省自然科学基金面上项目(编号:S2012010009633

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