
Environmental Risk Zoning Based on Information Diffusion Theory


针对石化工业区内多个风险源分布的特点,尝试运用信息扩散法对规划区域进行环境风险区划。用VbA建立模糊扩散模型计算得到的风险信息矩阵,结合相关分级标准通过使用SurfEr软件对矩阵数据进行聚类分析可得出直观的环境风险区划图。该图可为石化区开发建设和规划调整提供科学依据。In view of the characteristics of the petrochemical industrial industry where multiple risk sources exist,a trial risk zoning is done for planning of a petrochemical industrial park using the information diffusion method.In this paper,the fuzzy diffusion model is built by the VBA program,which can be used to calculate the risk information matrix;and an intuitive environmental risk zoning map is worked out for the planned park by use of the cluster function of SURFER

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