Observation on the Life History of Cryptocaryon irritans in Eastern Sea of Fujian and Research on Antiparasitic Effect of Acetic Acid


近年来,由刺激隐核虫(CryPTOCAryOn IrrITAnS)感染引发的“白点病“为闽东大黄鱼(PSEudOSCIAEnA CrOCEA)养殖业带来连续重大损失.大量针对该病的研究工作已经开展,但仍未找到治疗“白点病“安全、有效的方法.本实验从福建省福鼎市八尺门海域取得一种寄生虫,通过形态学及分子生物学相关鉴定方法,证明了所取寄生虫为刺激隐核虫.利用乙酸对大黄鱼幼鱼进行药物安全性评价,同时开展杀灭不同生活史阶段刺激隐核虫的时间效应与剂量效应实验.结果显示:刺激隐核虫包囊对乙酸的耐受力显著强于幼虫,乙酸在杀灭幼虫的同时,对大黄鱼幼鱼也有一定的刺激作用,因此在实际用药中应严格控制剂量.根据实验结果,建议在生产中防治“白点病“时,要以刺激隐核虫幼虫为目标,使用157.4Mg/l乙酸,累计处理2H,可以有效杀灭全部幼虫,又不会对鱼体造成危害,是一种治疗“白点病“的安全用药策略.Cryptocaryon irritans,a holotrichous marine ciliate protozoan that causing "white spot disease",is one of the most devastating parasites of marine fish in Fujian Province.In the present study,a strain of C.irritans-like parasite was isolated from Pseudosciaena crocea aquiculture areas in eastern Fujian province and then identified.The morphological features and biochemical characteristics of the parasites were identical to those C.irritans strains which had been reported in other places,this fact suggested that the sampled pathogen was C.irritans.In addition,the acute toxicity of acetic acid to juvenile P.crocea and C.irritans was studied.The results showed that C.irritans theronts were more sensitive to acetic acid than tomonts.Meanwhile,the susceptibility of acetic acid to juvenile P.crocea was an important factor which was considered in the process of killing C.irritans.The results indicated that dealt "white spot disease" infected P.crocea with 157.4 mg/L acetic acid for 2 h could kill C.irritans theronts effectively as well as unharmful to the hosts,it was a safe drug-using strategy for preventing and curing "white spot disease".公益性(农业)行业专项(200903029); 国家科技支撑计划项目(2011BAD13B08); 广西科技攻关计划项目(桂科攻1222013-2

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