EFFects of diFFerent phosphorus sources on algal growth and biochemical composition


在实验室培养条件下,用kH2PO4及多种溶解有机磷化合物(dOP)对藻类进行一次性培养,考察藻类对dOP的利用和不同磷源对藻类生长及其生化组成的影响。结果表明:甘油磷酸钠(g·P)、6-磷酸葡萄糖(g·6·P)、蛋黄卵磷脂(lEC)和酵母核糖核酸(rnA)均可被藻类吸收利用,并且培养藻类都生长良好;碱性磷酸酶在大分子dOP(如lEC、rnA)利用过程中起重要作用。不同形态磷才培养藻类的蛋白质、氨基酸合量有一定影响。Under batch culture condition, the eFFects of diFFerent phosphorus sources (phosphate,glycerophosphate, glucose-6-phosphate, lecithins and yeast RNA) on algal growth and biochemical composition are carried out.Results showed that Four algae of this test could uptake DOP compounds used in this experiment and growth curve cultured in DOP compounds is almost conslstent with that in phosphate, alkaline phosphatase plays an important role in the utilization of large molecular DOP compound such as lecithins and RNA- Result also indicates that there is little diFFerence of protein and amino acid between culturing in phosphate and DOP compounds

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