The Arts of Taoist Statues in Philosophic Equiry and Aesthetic Appreciation


道教造像以立体的视觉形象传达道教思想观念,是道教思想观念的具象化与审美化表达。具有如下几个特点:道教造像多样的形式特征开显出终极之“道“的神妙与奇异,单一的本色映射出终极之“道“的朴素。它们往往又与日月天光、山体岩石融为一体,以鲜明的在场言说着“我“即“万物“、“万物“即“我“之“物我无分“、“万物齐一“的道教理念。另外,道教造像在漫长的时间之流中葆有永恒的姿态,彰显“道“之永恒与不朽。作为神灵神仙形象的摹写,道教造像呈现出“神圣性“与“世俗性“交融的审美风貌,这一审美风貌由道教文化自身的特点所决定的。Taoist statues is the important part in Taoist arts.It conveied the Taoism's idea by sensible species and three-dimensional figures.Taoism's idea has been expressed by Taoist statue,and the statue is the reflection of Taoism's idea.The rich features in forms of Taoist statues showed the final wonderful Tao.The unitary solely true qualities of Taoist statues in rock cave and on mountains reflected the simple and basic characteristics of the final Tao.Many statues shone brightly forever like the sun and the moon.It distinct and vigorous expressed that I am all things on earth,and all things is me.Taoist statues always remained the eternal postures in the long history period and displayed the Taoist immortal.Meanwhile,As the depiction of supernatural beings' images.It presents the sacred and secular style and features of aesthetics.The existent of Taoist statues bear witness to the prosperous circumstances of Taoism belief.教育部人文社科项目《道教绘画史研究》(10YJAZH121);中国博士后科学基金面上资助项目《道教艺术美学思想研究》(2011M500689

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