
A Concise Analysis of the Difference Between Strategy Theory and Business Model Theory


文章研究了战略理论和商务模式理论的差异,认为主要表现为:战略理论将企业的外围环境视为静态的、一成不变的东西,并将直接的产业竞争环境的不确定性和复杂性视为对企业一种潜在威胁,因此企业应评估关键战略要素的机会和风险,采取前瞻性措施最大程度地规避这种潛在威胁,而企业价值是企业凭借其独特的市场定位或所拥有的核心能力单独创造出来并应独自享有。与此相对,商务模式理论将企业经营的各个子环境视为一个有机整体,将企业外部环境的不确定性和复杂性视为企业的一种潜在机遇,因而企业应积极调整经营活动组合,加速商务模式创新,充分调动各利益相关者的积极性,以充分攫取和适度分享不确定环境中的商机。This research indicates that the difference between strategy theory and business model theory mainly lies in the following.Strategy theory treats firm's surrounding environment as a static and constant thing,and treast the uncertainty and complexity of direct industry competitive environment as a potential threat to firm.So firm must evaluate the opportunity and risk of crucial strategic factors and take forward-looking actions to prevent this potential threat.Meanwhile,firm value is created wholly by firm's specific market orientation or by core competence it possesses and should all be accrued to firm accordingly.Comparatively,business model theory treats a variety of subenvironment of firm's operation as an organic integer and treats the uncertainty and complexity of firm's surrounding environment as a potential opportunity to firm.So firm should adjust the combination of business operations,accelerate the innovation of business model,motivate the enthusiasm of stake-holders,so as to appropriate fully and share adequately business opportunities embedded in uncertain environment

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