Roles of third party testing market for analysis and testing center in colleges and universities


梳理概括高校分析测试中心的成长历程、现有基础和优势,结合分析第三方检测市场的发展现状、规模和行业特点,指出高校分析测试中心将成为第三方检测的重要力量。在第三方检测市场中的重要作用体现在高技术人才的培养和输送、新方法新标准的研究与制定、校企共建实验室、仪器设备的共享租用、突发事件应急响应、品牌建设等方面。The growth process and the existing foundation and advantages of the analysis and testing center in colleges and universities were collated and summarized.Combined with the market situation,scale and industry characteristics of the development of the third party,some views were pointed out,for example,the analysis and testing center in colleges and universities would become an important force in the third party inspection.The third party testing market mainly reflected the role of research and development in the new standards and the new methods,cultivating and transporting the high technology personnel,equipment sharing rent,school and enterprise cooperation laboratory,emergency response,brand building and so on

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