
An Analysis of the Factors Influencing the Participation of Farmers in Forest Property Rights Mortgage Policy——Based on Survey Data from 26 Counties in 8 Provinces


根据2012年在福建等8省26县抽样调查的数据,探讨了集体林权改革背景下林农参与林权抵押贷款的状况及影响因素。统计显示,仅有5.5%的受调查者办理了林权抵押贷款,相比之下,却有近40%的受调查者表示有抵押贷款需求。二元逻辑回归表明,林农是否参与林权抵押贷款除受其年龄和家庭年纯收入影响外,还受到承包林地分布、林地总面积、森林保险、林地资金投入等因素的显著影响。当前林权抵押贷款政策并不利于从事细碎化林地经营的小户林农融资造林,相反地,地方的林业大户和林业企业更能真正从中受益,有偏离政策设计初衷。Based on the 2012 survey data from 26 counties in 8 provinces, this paper illustrates the situation of farmers participating in the policy of forest property rights mortgage and its influencing factors.Current statistics indicates that only 5.5% of all respondents have mortgaged before; however, almost 40 % of these individuals require mortgage loans.Binary logistic regression determined that whether farmers participated or not depended on their age and annual family income, but was also significantly impacted by the numbers and the area of their forest land, forestry policy insurance and farmers' investment in their forest land.Besides, the qualitative data indicates that it is the huge forestry farmers or companies, but not the small forestry farmers who benefit from the current financial policy, which has been counter to the original intention of the policy.国家社会科学基金项目“集体林权制度改革中的金融支持制度研究”(编号:11CJL027

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