Generation and application of NC code for spiral wire


针对螺旋类线材的推弯成形,提出了一种数控代码自动生成方法,并以曲线模型相对复杂的等节距圆锥螺旋弹簧为例进行着重阐述。该方法通过提取线材几何建模参数,并结合推弯模具的结构尺寸和运动形式,建立线材推弯成形的数学模型,推导出送料轴、推弯轴和转臂轴三轴间的联动关系,最后采用等间距直线逼近法生成线材零件的数控加工代码并进行加工生产。试验证明,该方法编程效率高,修改方便,且加工零件可以满足精度要求。A way of automatically generating NC code for the push bending of spiral wire was introduced,and the equal-pitch conoid helical-coil spring whose curve model is relatively complex was emphatically discussed.Through extracting wire parameters of geometric modeling,and combining with the structure size and movement of push bending dies,the mathematical model of the push bending of spiral wire was made,and the linkage relationship among the feed axis,the push bending axis and the rotational axis was derived.Finally NC code was generated by equidistant linear approximation and the processing production was done.The experiment result shows that the programming efficiency of this method is high,the modification is easy,and the parts produced can meet the requirement of accuracy.国家科学技术部支撑项目(SQ2009GJC4001675

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