Judicial Application and Improvement of Special Criminal Forfeiture Proceedings in China


我国刑法第64条规定的特别没收条款在适用对象和范围上比较模糊,导致司法实践混乱。新修订的刑事诉讼法在“特别程序“一编中设置犯罪嫌疑人、被告人逃匿、死亡案件违法所得的没收程序,主要规定了没收违法所得案件的适用范围、适用条件、申请启动程序、审理程序、审理后的处理、程序终止的适用情形等内容,在一定程度上弥补了刑法第64条特别没收条款的缺陷,在打击犯罪方面发挥了重要的作用。然而,由于该程序对特别没收的规定仍然存在较大的自由裁量空间,如果适用不当,即有可能会侵犯第三人乃至无辜公民合法的财产权益。为此,有必要对该程序进行深入研究,以确保其在实现惩罚和打击犯罪功能之时不侵犯相对人乃至第三人的合法权益,从而实现刑诉法统筹惩罚犯罪与人权保障的立法目的。Section 64 of China's Criminal Law provides special forfeiture provisions in a rather vague manner in terms of applicable object and scope,leading to confusion in judicial practice.The newly revised Criminal Procedure Law prescribes forfeiture proceedings in the chapter of"Special Procedures"for the events involving fugitive criminal suspects and defendants as well as cases involving fatality,mostly covering the scope of application,conditions,application for startup,trial proceedings,post-trial process,and termination of procedure.These provisions have to a certain extent compensated the insufficiency of Section 64 of the Criminal Law for special forfeiture provisions,and played an important role in cracking down crimes.However,due to the broad discretionary space in handling forfeiture provisions,if improperly applied,it might infringe the lawful property rights of the third person or even the property of innocent citizens.To this end,it is necessary to conduct in-depth study on such procedure so as to protect the legitimate rights of the persons involved or third person in the punishment and prevention of crimes,and to attain the legislative goal of punishing criminal and protecting human rights designed for the Criminal Law

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