
the differences between Chinese and western music culture shapes of Dulcimer——to "hammered dulcimer" as an Comparison of object


如今,多元文化进入中国,在经济、文化全球化的大背景下,中西文化差异成为当代人们热议的话题之一。扬琴作为一种世界各地拥有同宗兄弟的中国传统乐器,在形制上区别于西方扬琴,究其原因,主要源于中西方的文化差异形成,因此,探寻中西方扬琴形制差异背后的文化差异也成了一项重点课题。本文正是从中西方扬琴的形制差异分析中西方深层次的文化差异,以期探究历史文化发展与扬琴文化发展之间的契合,为中西方扬琴文化的交流融合尽绵薄之力。 Hammerdulcimer在全世界分布的范围十分广,大部分分布在欧美地区。它与中国扬琴一样从中东地区传入,也与中国扬琴一样孕育在自己的文化中,跟随历史的兴衰发展,从而形成了自己的形制、...Nowadays, in the background of economic and cultural globalization,the differences between Chinese and Western culture become the hotly debated topic of the contemporary people with the incoming of the multicultural .The YangQin, as a Chinese traditional instruments from all over the world have the same clan brothers, having differences in the western dulcimer shapes, which due to the difference b...学位:艺术学硕士院系专业:艺术学院_音乐与舞蹈学学号:1872012115329

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