
Direct experimental evidence for detailed growth of SiO_x nanowire during CVD


在纳米线的制备中,气-液-固(VlS)生长机制得到了人们的广泛认可,但该机制的很多细节还停留在模型阶段.依托实验室自行设计的一台生长条件高度可控的高温化学气相沉积(CVd)系统,采用较为简便的方法,直接在SI片衬底上制备出了SIOX纳米线.通过严格控制实验参数,用离位观测捕捉到了纳米线的催化、形核和长大的一系列过程及其相关细节,并发现纳米线从细到粗的气-液-固(VlS)生长机制.讨论了气-液-固(VlS)机制中气态SI原子的来源以及纳米线的催化、形核和长大过程中的纳米曲率效应和“纳米熟化“现象,取得了对SIOX纳米线VlS催化生长机制的理解的突破.Among the mechanisms for nanowire growths, the vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) mechanism is the most widely accepted.Nevertheless, the growth process and relevant details for the VLS mechanism are not yet fully understood for the complicated nano processes involved.In the present article, with a precise control of temperature, gas flow, pressure, and reaction periods in a home- built high-temperature chemical vapor deposition (CVD) system, detailed processes of catalyzing, nucleation, and growth of the SiOx nanowires and a stepwise non uniformity in diameter of nano- wire were successfully traced.With analysis of these experimental results via nanocurvature and nano ripening effects, a further understanding of the vapor-liquid-solid mechanism, especially the mechanism for formation of the stepwise non uniformity in diameter of nanowires, was achieved for the first time.国家科技计划国际科技合作与交流专项(编号:2008DFA51230);国家重点基础研究发展计划(编号:2007CB936603);国家自然科学基金(批准号:60776007、90401022);中澳科技合作特别基金(编号:20050222);教育部科技重点项目(编号:105099)资

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