On Legitimacy and Its Legal Regulation of the "Cyber Manhunt"


“人肉搜索“作为中国社会转型时期的特定产物尽管存在着诸多不足,但其维护正义及公益性本质为其自身发展提供了广阔的空间。目前我国对“人肉搜索“还没有明确的立法,因此对其加以理性的法律约束与道德考量则具有重要的现实意义。借助法律的控制手段规约“人肉搜索“,可以避免其可能产生的隐患,发挥其积极效应,促进其健康发展。“人肉搜索“的出路一方面在于提高网民自治,另一方面有赖于对我国现有法律体系加以解释,提高现有法律对“人肉搜索“的适应能力,完善网络法规对“人肉搜索“进行规范和引导。The "cyber manhunt " is a kind of new network phenomenon,is a large number of Internet users participation,interactive information search.The network is a "double-edged sword".On one hand," cyber manhunt " has a certain social significance of public opinion and let the virtual network in the world more real change,to crack down on illegal and criminal,supervision of government officials,strengthening moral pressure and exclude the difficulty and anxiety for the people 's positive role.On the other hand,it is usually a moral trials for group of individuals,often involving violations of individual privacy and other legal issues,but also the existence of violence risk.The" cyber manhunt "as the period of social transformation in China is a specific product of many defects,but the maintenance of justice and public welfare nature of its own to provide a broad development space.At present our country to" cyber manhunt "has no clear legislation,therefore it should be a great practical significance in rational law and moral considerations.The legal control means to" cyber manhunt ",can avoid the possible risks,to play its positive effect,promote its health develop.The outlet of " cyber manhunt " on one hand is to improve Internet autonomy,on the other hand it depends on our existing legal system to be explained,and improve the regulate and guide in the network laws to" cyber manhunt

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