
Research on the Application of Multimodal Argumentative Discourse Analysis in Reading Television News


在人们日常接触的一些新闻中,往往隐藏着新闻生产者(修辞者)的某些特定论点和态度,这与新闻专业主义所致力追求的“客观”精神有所违背。因此,作为新闻话语分析者的我们在对此类新闻进行解读,并对其中所含观点或立场进行重构时,很可能无法得到新闻生产者的认同,甚至被冠以“无中生有”的“罪名”。这一现象在解读电视新闻时尤为明显:作为一种多模态话语,电视新闻话语间并存的多种模态不仅使其可能在意义和观点表达上显得更为复杂和隐蔽,而且还使新闻话语生产者更容易逃脱可能出现的话语问责。对此,本研究认为,从多模态论辩研究的视角解读电视新闻,其关键问题就是如何将论辩重构的责任由分析者转向修辞者,使分析者在要求修辞者负责(...In the news we read every day, there might be some hidden standpoints or attitudes of the news rhetors, which seems to be kind of contradictory to the journalism professionalism that considers objectivity as its highest goal. So when we analyze such news and reconstruct the hidden arguments inside as analyst, we might face the situation that our analysis is hardly agreed by the rhetor and might ev...学位:文学博士院系专业:新闻传播学院_传播学学号:3192010015403

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