The Influence of Environmental Facts on Growth Rate of an Explanted Marine Sponge Mycale phyllophila


海绵动物是重要的药源生物,由于自然海区生物量较少,限制了它的开发以及应用,海绵的人工增殖被认为是最有效解决海绵药源供给的途径.本研究以福建沿海广泛分布的山海绵属(MyCAlE)的种类为研究对象进行了初步的海区增殖研究.叶片山海绵(MyCAlE PHyllOPHIlA)属于寻常海绵纲(dEMOSPOngIAE),繁骨海绵目(POECIlOSClErIdA),山海绵科(MyCAlIdAE),山海绵属.研究了养殖深度,海水流速,附着基大小等3种因素对叶片山海绵在自然海区生长速度的影响.结果显示,不同移植环境中叶片山海绵成活率均为100%,且都具有较快的生长速度.最快的生长速度出现在水深2.0M,流速较缓,附着基面积为75CM2的实验组,2个月平均增长率达472.1%.环境因子的多重方差分析结果显示,水深和水流对叶片山海绵的生长速度影响显著(P<0.05),较浅的水深、较缓的水流更有利于叶片山海绵的生长.叶片山海绵未全部覆盖附着基前,附着基的大小对叶片山海绵生长速度的影响不显著.Marine sponges are a diverse taxon of benthic aquatic animals of great biopharmaceutical importance.However,the lack of sufficient supply of sponge biomass restricts their preclinical and clinical application.In situ sponge aquaculture is nowadays one of the most reliable methods to supply of biomass for drug development.In this study,we focus on the aquaculture of the sponge Mycale phyllophila,which has a potential usage for biological medicine and commonly distributed along the southeastern of China coast.Culture efficiency were evaluated by determine of sponge survival and growth rates under different aquacultural factors,such as culture depths,water flow rates and explant sizes.The survival rates of explants were achieved 100% in all experimental groups.Relatively fast growth rates also were achieved,among which,the fastest group reached a growth rate of 472.1% after 60 days′ culture.Deeper culture depths and slower water flow is more conducive to the growth of the sponge.No significant difference of growth rates were detected among groups with different explant sizes.中央高校基本科研业务费专项(2010121034); 福建省自然科学基金项目(2011J01245

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