
Analysis on Situation and Behavior in Social Participation of the Urban Aged People:Illustrated by the case of Tangshan, Hebei


随着世界老龄化速度的进一步加剧,到2050年,世界总人口的三分之一将成为老年人,老龄化将成为社会发展的常态。幸福晚年的标志将不再仅仅是吃饱穿暖,还包括获得社会尊重、实现自我价值、身心愉悦等带来的满足感。老年人将越来越不可避免的与社会生活发生联系。对老年人“独立、尊严、照料、自我实现,促进老年人社会参与和发展”的追求,越来越成为学术界和社会管理者的共识。探讨老年人与社会关系的“脱离理论”与“活动理论”之争一直是老年社会学关注的焦点。本研究从交叉学科的视角,从经济学、社会学、心理学等老年研究科学中吸取养分,综合运用深度访谈、实地观察和调查问卷等研究方法,对老年人社会参与的情境现状与未来趋势进行分析...With the intensification of aging of the world, in 2050 one-third of older people living in our side, aging will become the norm for social development. The sign of happiness of old age will not only to feed and clothe, but also access to social respect, self-worth, and so the satisfaction of pleasure. Discussion on the elderly and social relations "retreat Theory" and "activity theory" of the dis...学位:管理学博士院系专业:公共事务学院_行政管理学号:1392012015336

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