
Research on the Provisional Measures of International Tribunal for the Law of Sea


临时措施是法庭或仲裁庭在裁决做出前,由于当事一方财产或人身受到威胁而做出的暂时性应急措施。由于中菲南海争端已经提交国际海洋法法庭,为了对国际海洋法法庭可能做出的临时措施进行应对,本文拟对《联合国海洋法公约》项下的临时措施加以探讨。本文采用实证的分析方法,结合案例对临时措施进行梳理归纳,同时结合国际法院、国际商事仲裁中的临时措施加以对比研究,希望可以借鉴国际法院与商事仲裁中临时措施的优点对《联合国海洋法公约》项下的临时措施加以完善,并对南海问题提出可能应对方式。 本文除引言和结语外,共分四章: 第一章主要介绍国际海洋法法庭的争端解决机制,主要包括强制调解、强制仲裁与强制司法,并简要介绍国际海...Provisional measure is a provisionally emergent measure made before the court or tribunal gives judgement. It is because of disputing party in danger and very important to protect party’s right. Recently, China South Sea dispute has been submitted to ITLOS. In order to answer the possible provisional measures ITLOS may make, this paper will discuss the provisional measures of UNCLOS. This paper us...学位:法学硕士院系专业:法学院_国际法学学号:1362012115009

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