
Reflections on Legal Protection of Traditional Cultural Expressions


对传统文化表达采用知识产权法进行保护是目前各国的通行做法,但仍然有必要对传统文化表达的概念和特征进行学理分析,进一步完善理论构架。由于与传统知识的紧密关联,传统文化表达凸显出统一性,以及其本质决定的动态性特征,这都决定了在保存、保护和发展传统文化表达时,要认清土著社群弱势的现实,尊重其习惯法和惯例,切实保护其长远利益,最终从平衡角度出发设计保护和促进传统文化表达发展的最佳模式与机制。Adopting intellectual property law to protect traditional cultural expressions(TCEs) is the common practice in the world.However,there is a need for further research on the definition and features of TCEs so as to perfect its theory framework.Due to the close connection between TCEs and traditional knowledge(TK),TCEs show their unity and the dynamic decided by their nature.When preserving,protecting and developing TCEs,it is necessary to know the disadvantageous position of indigenous community,respect its customs and protect its long-term interest.It is indicated that the best model and system for protecting and promoting the development of TCEs can be obtained from a perspective of balance.陕西省社会科学基金项目(07F013S

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