
Research strategies and skills to convince the TV home shopping channel presenter ---- Case study of QuanXin TV home shopping channel


伴随着人们的消费习惯的不断转变,传统世界的购物模式发生改变,“足不出户”的消费方式渐渐深入人心。尤其是电视购物的发展,很早在国外就已经流行。而在中国,电视购物的发展时间不长,但却发展很快。从最开始打开各大卫视频道就能看到的各种电视购物广告片,主持人以撕心裂肺,夸大其词的方法来吸引着观众。再到近几年来,如雨后春笋般起来的各大家庭电视购物频道,全天24小时的播出,没有任何广告时间,全频道以节目连续的呈现,而主持人也以更加平实、生活化的方式在介绍产品。 家庭电视购物模式越来越受欢迎,但是在发展的过程中,总会有一些彷徨期、瓶颈期,在家庭电视购物这种以主持人介绍产品为主来达成订购的节目形式下,主持人的...Along with changing people's consumption habits, the traditional world of shopping patterns changed, "homes" of consumption gradually popular. In particular, the development of TV shopping, long has been popular in foreign countries. In China, the development of TV shopping is not long, but it has developed rapidly. Open the major TV channels will be able to see a variety of TV shopping commercial...学位:文学硕士院系专业:新闻传播学院_新闻与传播硕士学号:1052012115285

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