
Study of Membrane Pre-concentration Coupled with Fast Detection and on-site Application to the Analysis of Trace Heavy Metals in Coastal Seawater


众多重金属元素中,有些是海洋浮游植物生长所必需的微量营养元素,有些则是非生命所需,即使浓度很低也对生命体具有毒害作用。大洋海水中重金属浓度极低,通常在ng•L-1水平。河口及近岸海域由于人为输入的影响,重金属含量较高。了解近岸海域海水中重金属的含量、分布及其形态等,有助于更好地了解重金属的污染来源、环境行为及可能产生的生态毒理效应。目前海水中重金属的分析,一般是将样品采集后带回实验室,进行预处理后再以原子光谱或质谱法测定。由于样品在运输、保存过程中可能引入污染,且重金属形态易发生变化等原因,将导致测定值有较大偏差。因此,现场测定成为海水中重金属分析的发展趋势。 本论文针对现有方法...Some heavy metals are essential trace elements for phytoplankton in marine environment, while some are not and can cause toxic effects even at low concentrations. In open-ocean waters, concentrations of heavy metal are down to ng•L-1 levels. In estuary and coastal area, the concentrations can be higher because of human activities. Study on the concentrations, distributions and species of hea...学位:理学硕士院系专业:海洋与环境学院环境科学与工程系_环境科学学号:2262008115153

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