
The functions of Chinese-English phonetic and lexical contrast in the writing of Chinese textbooks for the country specific


本文主要探讨了汉外对比中的汉英对比在国别化汉语教材编写中的功用,具体包括:如何在汉英对比分析的基础上,确定适用于美国教材的语音教学内容、教学顺序;如何通过汉英高频词的对比来筛选美国汉语教材适用的词语,如何在词语基础上确定教材的用字范围,以及如何确定汉字和词语的等级;如何基于汉英高频词的话题标注来筛选出高频的文化项目;如何有效运用汉英对比形式进行语音、汉字、词汇、文化的教学。在分析探讨汉英对比之功用的过程中,还涉及到若干深层次理论问题的探讨,主要包括:Stockwell和Bowen的语音难度等级是基于印欧语系内部,不适用于汉、英这样差异巨大的语言。林焘、王理嘉的实证研究结果显示,汉语的语音难度等...This dissertation mainly discussed the functions of the contrast between Chinese and English belonging to the contrast between Chinese and foreign languages in the writing of Chinese textbooks for specific country. The details include: how to make decision on the phonetic contents and order appropriate for the Chinese textbooks in USA in the basis of contrast and analysis of Chinese and English; h...学位:文学博士院系专业:人文学院中文系_汉语言文字学学号:1022008015038

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