
Extracting from the Past and Reflecting on Current Painting Art ——Contemporary Analysis and Thought on the Classic Mineral Painting of Zhva-lu-dgon-pa Ttemple-monastery in Tibet


岩彩艺术作为近十几年才逐渐在中国凸显出来的绘画形式语言,它适应现代的审美趣味,顺应了时代发展潮流,已令世人注目。然而,鲜为人知的是:岩彩这一当今画坛的新形式却拥有两千多年的丝绸之路多元文化融汇的传统。对岩彩艺术之传统进行深入的分析与探讨,对复兴岩彩这一既有文化传承价值又具有现代审美趣味的绘画形式具有特殊的意义。丝绸之路为我国留下了众多至今都让人为之惊叹的优秀古典岩彩壁画艺术瑰宝,西藏夏鲁寺古典壁画就是其中的一颗璀璨明珠。本文从西藏日喀则地区夏鲁寺古典岩彩壁画艺术的历史文化背景入手,探讨在多元文化因子影响下,夏鲁寺古典岩彩壁画多元并存的艺术风格,形式语言、表现技法,以及其独特的绘制材料;最后,总...Mineral painting as a language of painting gradually develops fast in a distinct way during the last decade. It suits people’s art taste in modern society, conforms to the current development trend, and becomes well known in the whole world. However, remarkably, mineral painting as a very new form of painting in current art field has a tradition over two thousand years, which incorporates multi-cu...学位:文学硕士院系专业:艺术教育学院美术系_美术学学号:2005130154

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