
The Research and Implementation of the Adaptive Interference Cancellation in WCDMA Repeater


直放站是一种中继设备,在已经到来的3G时代依旧需要其协助基站来扩大信号的覆盖范围。无线直放站在应用中常会因为收发天线间隔离度不高而引发严重的干扰问题,本论文应用自适应干扰抵消技术对WCDMA无线直放站的同频干扰进行抵消,进而提高WCDMA直放站的性能,方便其使用。 本文首先对WCDMA直放站中存在的干扰进行分析,说明了使用自适应滤波进行干扰抵消的必要性。根据自适应干扰抵消应用的原理,结合直放站干扰环境,确定了WCDMA直放站下的自适应干扰抵消方案。 本文在自适应干扰抵消算法的性能以及成本比较后,选择了适合硬件实现的DLMS算法来实现关键的自适应滤波模块。为了提高FPGA上实现的自适应干扰抵...Repeater is a type of relaying equipment and can be used to provide wider coverage. In the age of 3G, repeater is still widely used. Repeater always be disturbed by a serious feedback interference that comes into the receive antenna from the transmit antenna of the repeater. In this paper, adaptive interference cancellation technology is implemented in WCDMA repeater to cancel the inherent co-chan...学位:工学硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院通信工程系_通信与信息系统学号:2332008115329

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