
Study on Coilia mystus feeding habitats in the Yangtze River Estuary and its Adjacent Waters


本研究于2009年6-8月期间在长江口及杭州湾水域收集了1355尾的凤鲚(Coiliamystus)标本并对其胃含物进行分析,同步采集了取样点附近的浮游动物。对凤鲚胃含物食谱与该海域浮游动物进行了比较研究。主要研究结果如下: 1.长江口及杭州湾水域浮游动物种类及数量分析 对长江口及杭州湾渔场附近水域浮游动物调查结果显示,出现的浮游动物种类数共有35种。其中甲壳动物占绝对优势,它包括了枝角类、桡足类、端足类、磷虾类、十足类、糠虾类、涟虫类和介形类等8大类在内的19属23种,又以桡足类的种类最多,达15种,其丰度百分比为89.42%。在浮游幼虫(体)中共包含了6种。 在桡足类中,以优势度...In order to investigate the diet of Coilia mystus, 1355 specimens were collected from the Yangtze River estuary and Hangzhou bay from June to August, 2009. The stomach contents of the specimens were classified as soon as possible after the collection. Multivariate statistical techniques were used to analyze data on stomach contents and zooplankton composition in the sampling waters. The major resu...学位:理学硕士院系专业:海洋与环境学院海洋学系_海洋生物学学号:2242008115149

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