
Research on Chinese Real Estate Regulation and System to Arrange


研究的问题与意义:纵观本轮我国房地产市场调控过程,市场与政策的博弈反反复复,这不禁使我们反思我国房地产调控政策是不是最有效的以及如何通过制度设计进一步完善未来我国的房地产调控政策。本文试图在现有研究的基础上,从房地产调控政策的视角,构建分析中国房地产调控政策的数理分析框架,以期从政策制定与执行的角度对过去十几年来中国房地产调控政策不及预期的状况做出合理的理论解释,并对中国未来房地产市场的调控提供有效的政策建议,以提高中国房地产调控政策的政策效率。 本文主要创新:1.本文在世交迭代模型框架下,将居民效用函数以及信贷约束方程进行拓展,把房地产的消费品和投资品属性放在一个统一的框架内,并引入房地产...The problems and the significance of research:Based on the existing research,this paper attempts to establish the mathematical analysis frame of China's real estate regulation policy with the perspective on the policy efficiency。This paper aimed to make a reasonable explanation to the fact that China's real estate regulation policy were not as strong as expected in the past ten years, and provide ...学位:经济学博士院系专业:经济学院_投资学学号:1562012015364

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